A mortarboard is the standard cap worn by college graduates in areas that model their universities after those found in England. This square cap with its hard, hard edges features a tassel hanging at its right-front corner until diplomas are received, at which time it moves to its left side.
An iconic symbol of graduation and learning. But why does its unusual appearance remain significant today?
Graduation ceremonies are full of traditions that represent academic achievements dating back centuries – such as wearing a cap, gown and tassel for graduation.
Hard form mortarboards are now the go-to graduate hats, yet their origin dates back to 14th or 15th century Europe when they were created as a replacement for soft caps like the Biretta that were popular at that time. Their name derives from their similarity to bricklayers’ mortar boards used during that era.
Graduands must wear their mortarboard caps correctly in order to show that they have earned their degree and become scholars. When donning their cap, its tassel must hang over the right-side until degree conferral and then must be switched over to show this fact. This signifies their accomplishment as academicians.
The mortarboard cap may take its name from a bricklayer’s tool, but it has become an international symbol of academic achievement and graduation. From al-Azhar University in Cairo to your local college graduation ceremony, balancing precariously on top of your head a mortarboard celebrates hard work more effectively than any other decoration can.
Academic mortarboards come in various styles, with tassels to indicate your degree level indicating which style they wear on their front right side; graduate students switch them over after receiving diplomas to show which side their tassels hang from. Undergraduates wear theirs dangling on the right while undergraduates dangle them on the front right of their mortarboards for undergraduate programs and vice versa when receiving graduate diplomas.
The mortarboard, also referred to as a college cap, hat, academic hat or trencher, evolved from monk and clergy biretta skullcaps worn over their faces as skullcaps. Modern mortarboards feature soft cushions for greater comfort; some designs even accommodate headscarves!

As early American universities took shape, they adopted European scholarly traditions – including ideas of graduation attire – with mortarboard caps and gowns becoming the customary uniforms at many schools worldwide. Today, hooded caps for specialized degrees may also be part of this uniformity.
Flat black Oxford caps — often called graduation caps –are commonly decorated with academic symbols or letters, though graduands may also personalize their hats with other decorations or messages of their choosing. Furthermore, the tassels attached to each cap hold symbolic meaning: by tradition graduates move them right-left during commencement ceremonies to symbolize their transition from student to graduate status.
Properly worn, the mortarboard should sit perpendicular to the head; otherwise it risks falling off quickly. Some students pin their mortarboard to their hair for added stability; this practice should not be undertaken, however; as it could result in bald spots forming over time. Usually worn with gown and stoles that signify academic achievements or honor societies.
Graduation marks a momentous milestone for students as they transition into adulthood. Graduating with or without a diploma, many see graduation as a pivotal event that represents their passage to new roles and may use this event as an occasion to celebrate with family and friends their accomplishments.
The mortarboard is an iconic piece of graduation regalia that can be worn to indicate one’s field or level of achievement. For instance, graduates studying education may wear their mortarboard with its point facing upward; those holding master’s degrees might hold it so it covers about one third of their head.
Some graduates wear stoles to symbolize their membership of campus organizations such as sororities or fraternities, or honor cords to recognize academic merit. No matter which accessory is worn at graduation ceremonies, it is important to keep in mind that not every graduate receives equal opportunities; keep in mind those who did not achieve success as you.